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The beauty of basic fairness: LUSH cosmetics partners with/for Freedom to Marry

by Jeremy Hooper

Handmade cosmetics company LUSH has teamed up with Freedom To Marry for a number of pro-equality initiatives. In addition to issuing a strong statement in favor of the employees, customers and communities who are affected by crude bias, the scented soap purveyor is also calling on Congress to overturn the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) by passing the much more justly named Respect for Marriage Act.

Oh, and if that weren't enough: The company whose open door always provides a nice smell respite when I'm walking on the Upper West Side of Manhattan is also offering a handy way for consumers to clean thyselves while simultaneously cleaning up America:

6A00D8341C503453Ef015432Fc7Ed0970C http://www.lush.com/shop/freedomtomarry

Beauty is pain? Not always, apparently.

Nice move, LUSH.

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