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To: Albany; From: Colorado Springs; Encl.: 11 mins of disingenuous self-victimization
Even though "New York has always been a little out there" (8:43), the poor victims at Focus on the Family are still going to haul out all of their movement's carefully workshopped fallacies in order to make themselves look like the ones with something to lose in the Empire State's civil rights debate. Because to these Colorado Springs cronies, when it comes marriage, all you really need to know is that "it is what it is because it is what it is" (6:08), and what it is certainly doesn't resemble "Social Play Doh." (6:21).
When watching, try to laugh rather than scream, comforted in the knowledge that this kind of product has about as long a shelf life as that H&H Bagel you purchased this morning:
SNIP (5:27) "Gay activists are really trying to change marriage into
something it was never intended to be. It was never intended
to legitimize and affirm same-sex relationships. You cannot
have marriage that on one hand gives kids a mom and a dad, and
on the other hand affirms same-sex relationships. it's just not possible.
But that's the debate that's going on in Albany and across the nation"
*Oh, and "civil dialogue in this country is at risk when it comes to this issue"? Well yeah, Carrie Gordon Earll : We've well established that your NY team has said some incredibly uncivil things about us gay folk!
Stop treating us uncivilly for both career and sport, and you "Family Focusers" will be shocked how much can and will change, literally overnight!