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VA group makes it 'perfectly clear': Their fight is against our general sense of pride

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-06-02 At 9.24.14 AmVictoria Cobb, president of the The Family Foundation of VA (a Focus on the Family affiliate), isn't happy with the rainbow flag that's flying over the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond in observance of Pride month. Because as she asserts: Virginia's made it perfectly clear that its famous slogan was only meant for heterosexual lovers:

"In Virginia, this is not a stand that should be taken. We've as a state said we are not going to support gay marriage, for example, in our constitution, and we've been very clear on issues of gay rights," the pro-family advocate notes. "So it's disappointing to see such a large flag flying, as if it's something that this commonwealth supports."
Objections fly with rainbow flag [ONN]

Your state does not support you. Didn't you get that message, VA gays?

Now, obviously this isn't true. Support in VA is growing, just as it is everywhere. And things like marriage votes are not actually reflective of will or view, as (a) the opposition side is 10x more motivated than the more complacent "live and let live" folks in the middle; and (b) many of those who do vote for bias are largely duped with misinformation rather than motivated by actual animus. But even so: It's really insightful to hear the head of the state's largest anti-LGBT lobby group all but admitting that the intent is not just marriage and adoption and whatnot, but rather an overall repudiation of basic gay acceptance. It's that excessive sense of pride that will come before discrimination's inevitable fall!

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