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Video: Accusing the President of hating the army (like Jesus would, natch)

by Jeremy Hooper

Earlier today, I opined on the careless rhetoric the opposition uses to keep thinks like inclusive service up before public debate. So I now want to thank the American Family Association's Tim Wildmon and the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins for giving us new, handy case-points:

Wildmon: Obama "Doesn't Give A Rip About The Marines Or The Army" [RWW]

The Commander in Chief "doesn't give a rip" about our armed forces? Always keeping the discourse high brow and measured, that AFA!

But Wildmon's charge, while perhaps outside the realm of reasoned comprehension, is also not all that surprising. This has been Tony Perkins' message all through the repeal conversation. Literally minutes after the President's 2010 State of the Union, Perkins issued a release accusing Pres. Obama of being "willing to jeopardize our nation’s security to advance the agenda of the radical homosexual lobby." Then a short time later, Tony said this about one of the President's SCOTUS picks:

"It's not that Elena Kagan does not want the military to defend our nation against terrorism; it's just that she wants to use the military to advance the left's radical social policy more. At least we know her priorities." [SOURCE]

Because that's what they do. That was my earlier point: That our organized opponents will lay the most unconscionable charges imagined at the feet of equality advocates, with seemingly no remorse on their consciences for having done so. All accusing us -- ACCUSING US! -- of being the radical "militants" with an unceasing agenda.

And then these are the very same people who have so fully laid claim to the moral high ground: Terra firm that apparently turns to particularly fast-acting quick sand whenever it comes to saying responsible things about pro-LGBT, pro-equality humans beings!

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