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Video: Maggie says it's 'really fun to win'; we agree, which is why we chose winning cause
Us: Six states and the nation's capital with full marriage equality, several other states with civil unions (which groups like NOM also oppose), a historic federal court victory after a defense so puny it even shocked us, increasingly favorable polling trends, several other places where we either came or currently are *this close* to victory, and countless legally married same-sex couples who've now proven the that fear-mongering emperor has no clothes.
Them: The aforementioned puny defense, talking points that are growing stale, faith justifications that are falling deaf as more and more Americans start talking about the civil/religious separation already intrinsic to our marriage system (this clip's from a Catholic panel, btw), overplayed hands that highlight for a generation the reasons why voting on minority rights is wrong, increasingly loose-lipped "culture war" figures who are starting to let more revelatory desires/beliefs come to light, and an overall American marriage reality that would've been only the thing of Falwellian nightmares as recently as 2003.
So go ahead -- Treat the deprivation our rights as if it's a Triple Word Scrabble score, Maggie. We are not intimidated. Horrified by the lack of good will so proudly and consistently on display, yes. But not intimidated.