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Video: NY anti-equality lobbyist admits nothing will appease him but total and utter submision

by Jeremy Hooper

Rev. Jason McGuire of the New Yorker's Family Research Foundation/New Yorkers For Constitutional Freedoms says that there is no degree of religious exemption that will ever appease him, and that his side will challenge marriage equality in court regardless of how the eventual law is worded. Per Capital Tonight:

But what does Rev. Jason McGuire accept? Oh. Well: Things like likening marriage equality to child abuse, blaming this whole fight on Satan's string-pulling, and claiming that he's in this to save people like Sen. Tom Duane and Assemblyman Danny O'Donnell (both gay) from "an eternity in Hell." Here's that:

Her's McGuire likening same-sex marriage to child abuse before going on a wholly Biblically-based tangent for why he's carved a career out of opposing *CIVIL* marriage equality:

"When a child grows up under an abusive father,
it is very difficult for the child to grow up to understand
a loving heavenly father. My fear is that what
happens culturally, with the issue of same-sex marriage, is...
a generation from now we look back
and it will be that much more difficult for a
generation of young people that have grown up
to look back and recognize the relationship between
Christ and the church.

2011.03.27 Rev. Jason McGuire, CEO
[Big Flats Wesleyan Church of Elmira, NY]

And here he is blaming this whole conversation on Satan himself:

"Your ultimate enemy is a spiritual enemy -- Satan.
That's where this lie is coming from

2011.03.27 Rev. Jason McGuire, CEO
[Big Flats Wesleyan Church of Elmira, NY]

And ultimately: Admitting the ultimate goal of "saving" lawmakers from an eternity in hell:

"When we're talking about a Senator Duane
or an Assemblyman O'Donnell who's sponsoring same-sex marriage,
we're not only talking about a legislator
that is taking a position against God's word,

but a legislator who, if they die without Jesus Christ,
dies without a home in Heaven and an eternity in Hell

[SOURCE: FLN News, 4/16/09]

2011.03.27 Rev. Jason McGuire, CEO
[Big Flats Wesleyan Church of Elmira, NY]

This is what the organized opposition thinks. This is what the frontline groups believe. What they encourage. Their endgame.

Today in Albany, as McGuire's group (in concert with NOM's David Tyree) pretend to make this all about a certain bill, what underlies it all will be this idea that same-sex marriage is Satanic and that gay people must ultimately be "saved" from their wicked ways. It's time we start defining the opposition by their own definitives.

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