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Weird, Prop 8 legal eagles: Why didn't you make 'rebellion against God' claims in Judge Walker's court?

by Jeremy Hooper

If we told you a group was referring to gay people's marriages as...

A Rebellion Against God by a Small Band of Activists.

...you, like many in a public that's rapidly polling with majority support for marriage equality, would probably be annoyed.

If we said this same group was running a quote that predicts of our future...

"Once marriage is redefined for same- sex partners, it opens the Pandora’s box to be redefined for any assortment of individuals. After all, if two men or two women have the right to be married, why not two men and three women, or two men, one woman, and a dog and a chimpanzee?”"

...you'd probably shake your head in disbelief at the nonstop fear-mongering.

If we showed you how the same outfit was telling supporters that gays are...

Harmful to Adults and Children...A Threat to the Future

...you'd surely wonder how these folks live with their work, knowing how much needless harm they are inflicting on people's psyches and souls.

If we showed you a line where this very same organization was cultivating the idea that same-sex marriage...

opens the legal door for polygamy, polyamory, bestiality, and child “marriage,” among other disturbing changes.

...you'd hopefully vow to expose the constant onslaught of outrageous claims that the self-professed "values" crowd so willingly (and callously) pins on LGBT people.

But what if we told you that the group pushing these claims is the very same one leading the legal fight to keep Prop 8 on the books?

What if we told you that the group pushing these claims was recently feted by former President George W. Bush?

What if we told you that this is the very group that the entire conservative movement defers to when it comes to challenging LGBT rights in a court of law?

Would that piss you off, knowing how much hostile crap these "pro-family" folks are allowed to disseminate about LGBT people without it making so much as a dent in their political reputations or ability to book cable media?

Time to decide, because all of the above quotes come right from the Alliance Defense Fund's latest brochure:

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