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Audio: Bachmann in '04: Same-sex marriage legalizes 'sexual anarchy', imperils Christ, 'higher trembler on the earthquake scale' than abortion

by Jeremy Hooper

Here are some more vintage quips we should probably put on the increasingly newsworthy record:

"It's difficult to say, on one hand, that this decision could be any more harmful than the abortion decision, which has led to forty-four million American lives being lost, and I don't want to minimize those lives being lost, but I would agree with this statement, that I believe that this decision would be at least equal to the Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973, and perhaps even more of a higher trembler on the earthquake scale, if you will, in the cultural war. And the reason why I say that is because abortion impacts a woman who has the abortion, the father of the baby, and of course the life of the baby that's extinguished. The greater community suffers as well, but in the gay marriage issue, legalizing a new status -- if you will, redefining in a sense what it is to be man, woman, what it is to be human, what it is to be a family -- by doing that, in essence, that does not just impact the 1% of the population that is homosexual: That will impact 100% of our population. And in some ways, an argument could be made that abortion doesn't necessarily penetrate 100% of the population --it does, on one sense -- but in this sense, with total sexual anarchy, which I believe we are now on the verge of going into, when the culture takes sexual anarchy and legalizes it, raises that to the level of legal protection, that is when governments can come in with wholesale discrimination..."

SOURCE: May 4, 2004 [Issues Etc, KFUO]


"And this is the alarm that I am trying to sound to our church community to recognize this isn't a small issue, this is a big issue. And it's not about a few people that are, quote, being discriminated against. We need to recognize that yes, there is the moral issues, the issues to our children, the financial issue, the rest. But the gospel of Jesus Christ is imperiled because our 501c3 organizations could lose their tax-exempt status. If churches and organizations lose their tax-exempt status, they are completely hampered in their ability to transmit the Gospel. And, the Gospel will continue -- nothing will ever hamper the Lord, nothing will ever hamper the will of Jesus Christ, and through his powerful work with the Holy Spirit, I recognize that -- but I'm just sounding an alarm for the church, to wake up and recognize that this is not a small deal, this is a huge deal, and we need to read the signs of the times, just like in the Old Testament, the men of Ithacar, they understood the times and they knew what to do. And we as believers in Jesus Christ need to come to understand the times and then know what to do, and as a believer in Jesus Christ, who God has allowed to be a sitting senator here in Minnesota, I'm trying to take my responsibility seriously to understand the times, and on behalf of the good of the people I represent here in Minnesota -- give them the opportunity to vote on how they want to be governed, and if they want marriage to be defined in Minnesota as one man and one woman, I want to make sure they have the right to vote on that."

SOURCE: May 4, 2004 [Issues Etc, KFUO]

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