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Audio: NY Catholic leaders forfeiting right to ever again pit gays against religious freedom

by Jeremy Hooper

All we hear all the time from anti-equality Catholic Bishops and their allies at the almost-exclusively-Catholic National Organization For Marriage is the claim that gays, via their *CIVIL* marriage equality, are standing in crude opposition to religious freedom. They of course make these baseless claims on the basis of strategy, not actuality.

Now we are going to hear from anti-equality Catholic figures who are truly standing in opposition to elected officials' own freedom to be both religious and supportive of civil rights. Take it away, Focus on the Family:

*AUDIO SOURCE: Bishop Takes Same-Sex Marriage Supporters to Task [FoTF Citizenlink]

"Oh, sorry kids: Your senator and governor couldn't be here, because they think your friend Johnny's two moms are worthy to have their own tax-paying citizenship treated in a manner comparable to their heterosexual neighbors. So instead, we will move on to our art project: Papier-mâché stone-casting!"

No word if contraception-supporting lawmakers will also be barred. That depends on how fully they care to show students the connection between political expediency and stated convictions.

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