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Audio: Wherein Sally Kern attaches 'hate' to vast majority of public, whole of credible science
For most of her appearance, Sally Kern joins American Family Association president Tim Wildmon in a game of pretend, acting like Sally's string of infamous comments have largely been taken out of context (as per usual with this crowd), that groups like the AFA get scrutinized simply because they oppose same-sex marriage, and that they are the true victims of this so-called "culture war." But then Sally invalidates every other word when she brands people who oppose "ex-gay" nonsense as haters and paints the LGBT equality movement as the "tip of the spear" in terms of "tearing down the moral fiber of America":
[**Oh, and to silence future self-victimization:
Please, by all means, go listen to the full context: Today's Issues]
A new HRC/Greenberg Quinlan Rosner poll shows the American public supporting "change" therapy to the paltry tune of 24%. The credible scientific community supports the notion somewhere around 0%. Are they all haters, Sally? Is it hate to brush aside the contrived junk science that groups like the AFA have created and exalted in order to sustained their preconceived script -- or is it simply a support for reality?
And as for the "tip of the spear" nonsense and the likening of LGB sexual orientations to adultery, stacked up against Sally's silly self-victimization game? Well, game over. Because you cannot utter comments like this and also deny animus towards LGBT people. Period. You can't have it both ways. It doesn't matter how much you spin, deny, or justify the hostile words. If you seriously think that the world's rich, vibrant LGBT population is existing just so far-right evangelicals will have some sort of human embodiment of immorality to conquer here on Earth, then you are not simply standing against political goals, "special rights", or certain kinds of "behavior." Wanting to "change" millions of people so that they match your image of acceptability -- biological reality be damned! -- is probably the most heightened form of animus one can dream up, short of the obvious.
The only reason Sally Kern is a known person on the national stage, replete with book deal, is because she dished it. Now she needs to take it. This false witness-bearing is only compounding the insult, both to LGBT people and to the religious justification she uses to support her attacks.