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Because everyone else is focusing on the Casey Anthony Trial -- why not NOM?

by Jeremy Hooper

Even more questionable pushes from the National Organization For Marriage:

Screen Shot 2011-07-12 At 9.28.46 Am
[NOM's Facebook Wall]

I don't know, there's just something about America's most prominent anti-marriage-equality group trying to draw a connection between a child's tragic death and an evolving marriage culture. Politically, it makes me cheer the dwindling sense of pragmatism that leads NOM post nonsense like this. Though personally, it makes me pretty damn sad for a state of affairs that so casually positions my loving, thoroughly pro-family home as being what's wrong about an America where heterosexual marriage and family slip-ups are a dime a dozen, and truly tragic trials are turned into ratings-grabbing soap operas.

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