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Brian Brown: Kristen Wiig not only NYer whose summer's defined by nuptial freakout

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-07-13 At 8.17.54 AmNational Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown, person of D.C. by way of Connecticut, is on a mission to tell New Yorkers how they feel:

The people of New York want to vote on this issue,” Mr. Brown said. “They don’t believe the process was either transparent or fair, and it basically stole the right of the people of New York to vote.”
Settled in Albany, Gay Marriage Draws Opposition [NY Times]

Uh huh, right. The same New York that has polled consistently in favor marriage equality. The same New York that doesn't have an initiatives/referendum process precisely because the public has never wanted it. The same New York that has been recognizing same-sex marriages performed outside the state for over three years now. The same New York where no one outside of the usual suspects is raising any sort of a stink over the forthcoming in-state weddings. The same New York where a large majority of fairly elected officials (including both U.S. Senators) support full and equal marriage rights. The same New York that I, a legally married gay man, so proudly call home, amid a support system that's allowed me to not merely survive, but rather to thrive.

That's the New York that's simply teeming with people who want to completely overhaul the state legislature, the increasingly moderate state GOP, and the process of doing business so as to embark on a multi-year plan of possibly rolling back certain people's *CIVIL* marriage rights? Really, Brian?

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