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Brian Brown vs 'poor, misled' Elisabeth Hasselbeck

by Jeremy Hooper

How incredibly condescending:

Screen Shot 2011-07-28 At 6.20.58 Pm"Poor Elizabeth [sic] Hasselbeck of the View, whom we admire for sticking up for David Tyree (even though she's pro-gay-marriage), was one of those misled, attacking gay marriage protests as in "bad taste." (Pretty strong words for a Midwestern Christian!)"
-National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown, writing in NOM's weekly e-blast

Poor Elisabeth is misled? Well that's pretty funny, Brian, considering that Elisabeth, unlike yourself, is actually a tax-paying citizen of New York. Of Manhattan. A (presumably) voting constituent of multiple marriage equality supporters. She has experienced this state debate, firsthand, for years, as a participant, on the ground among the people of this state and city. And yes, she, like virtually every other actual Manhattanite I talked to on the day of the rally (as opposed to the largely bussed-in NOM and Diaz crowd), did see these protests, on this historic day of joy, as being in bad taste. Terrible taste, even.

Plus let's not forget: Elisabeth's experience with legal same-sex marriage is not just from this one week, either. Here in NY, we have been recognizing out-of-state marriages for three years now. There are scores of legally married couples (like yours truly) who have been living in a state-recognized marriage for months on end. We've been shopping with Elisabeth at the corner bodega. Having play dates with Elisabeth and her kids. Some have even been lucky enough to rub shoulders with E.H. right there behind that "View" table. Debating politics, yes, but also celebrating the wonderful patchwork of humanity that makes NY so great. Through it all, we viewers have seen Elisabeth greatly/surprisingly evolve her own views on this subject. And not because she is either poor or misled, but rather because she gets to live among the richness of this city and state, both longtime leaders in diversity and the fair recognition thereof (in community, even if/when the politics took longer to catch up).

Were her words strong, regardless of geographical origin or chosen faith? Absolutely! But you know what, Brian? I'll see your Republican TV host's "bad taste" quip and raise you this guy...

Screen Shot 2011-07-27 At 4.14.52 Pm

…who not only marched on NOM's front lines throughout the entire Manhattan rally, but who is proudly featured (though cleverly obscured) in the very same email where "poor, misled" Elisabeth is supposedly being so tough on poor NOM:


The day was a total and utter PR disaster for NOM. The Behar joy won. The joy wins.


*OTHER posts about Sunday's Manhattan rally:

The eye-opening photos from the day [G-A-Y]

NOM NYC rally sign: 'GAY = Got AIDS Yet?' [G-A-Y]

Why so much sympathetic "security"? [G-A-Y]

A discussion about the crowd makeup -- misinformed, exploited [G-A-Y]

Check out the name of the primary bus company they used [G-A-Y]

About that man who denied anti-gay animus [G-A-Y]

Very off-message Orthodox contingent [G-A-Y]

Maggie calls NY marriage 'mission critical; NY calls it 'mission accomplished' [G-A-Y]

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