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CA anti-equality crowd launches StopSB48.com; lifting kids in air apparently crucial to success
A California anti-equality coalition, made up of many who also worked on Prop 8, have launched a new site in hopes of building momentum for a repeal of the state's recently signed FAIR Education law:
Okay, for starters: I can't find that supposed L.A. Times quote anywhere. The closest is a line from Benjamin Lopez where he warns that "we are now going to inject gay studies into the classrooms." But Benjamin Lopez in not a L.A. Times writer -- he is an employee of the Traditional Values Coalition, an anti-gay group. An anti-gay group that is on the SPLC's anti-gay "hate groups" list
But suspect quotes aside: What an egregious display! Here we're talking about a measure that seeks to end the cruel slights and misrepresentations that have stymied LGBT kids' psyches for far too long, and yet once again we have the opposition claiming *they* are the ones being undermined? The goal is to end the devaluing of certain lives -- and yet it's the generic notion of "families values" that's supposedly at stake?
If the opposition movement would even once take on a fight with some sort of acknowledgement of the actual stakes and players most affected by them, they'd at least earn a modicum more respect. But they NEVER DO. It's always a self-absorbed portrait of their own supposed deprivation, all while good and decent kids suffer continued stigmatization on the basis of the sexual orientation and gender identity/expression (actual or perceived).
It's time to Stop BS 4 Good. It costs too much. It goes too far.