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In which NOM's Ruth Institute resorts to ad hominem digs
This is how writers at the National Organization For Marriage's Ruth Institute are now talking about us:
"I bet it’s becoming a challenge for some of these gay rights groups to say with a straight face that they are not America-Hating, Freedom-Hating goons."
-"Ari" writing for the Ruth Institute blog
"America-hating, freedom-hating goons." Because we want our American freedoms. That makes total sense, right? [::writer rolls eyes, shakes head, tries not to vomit up last night's freedom-loving red/white/blue cocktails::]
Oh, and as for the "crime" that lead Ari to lob such accusations in the first place? That would be the charming story of Will Phillips, the 11-year-old Arkansas boy who, of his own free will, has become something of an equality activist. Because when a kid rejects us, he or she is of course just a moral Christian. But when he or she supports us? Well, the child is the indoctrinated product of anti-American goons, natch. [::again with the eyes and the head and the cocktails::]
Fix your house, NOM: Your "we just want to protect marriage" facade is becoming such a crumbled mess!