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Marriage equality: Smoothing the present, winning the future

by Jeremy Hooper

A legacy:

Screen Shot 2011-07-22 At 8.52.42 Am"Over time, this will become federal law. We know we will someday be long gone, and no one will remember who were are or what we did. But this law will be on the books. And someday, someone will fall in love, and want to get married, and they'll go to City Hall, and no one will be standing there with ugly, venomous signs with so called "religious" messages of hate. No one will care. They'll just be another loving couple, who want to love and care for each other for the rest of their natural lives."

-Kitty Lambert, President of OUTspoken for Equality and one half of the first couple scheduled to marry in NY state

*READ Village Voice writer Steven Thrasher's full interview with Kitty

A great quote. Because it's true: This is all so much bigger than any of us. Eons from now, when "culture wars" are considered as childish as toy soldiers and "NOM" goes back to being an onomatopoeic way to convey chewing, our wedding albums may be faded and our gifted wedding toasters on the shelves of some random antique store. But our efforts will remain -- the benefits of our work bringing relief to countless many, who may not even realize all that came before.

In fact: Future gays' ability to take us for granted might be the greatest tribute to our present struggle!

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