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NOM inches ever closer to full blown 'ex-gay' advocacy

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage is now pushing the work of the very fringe PFOX group and accusing those who place the proper premium on credible sexual orientation science of "demonizing" those who push "change" rhetoric:

Screen Shot 2011-07-13 At 4.58.33 Pm
[NOM Blog]

They take away our rights? Somehow they're the victims.

They condemn those who refuse to hand over their equal civil rights in favor of others' personally held faith views? They are the ones facing religious attack.

They tell the public that we are a danger to children and that our benign acceptance is a threat? Their families are the ones in need of protections.

They force us to pause our lives and fight this ridiculous political battle? They act like they're the ones being put out.

The try to "change" us with junk science? They are still the ones being persecuted by supposed "radicals."

Detect a theme here?

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