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Pandering to vicious-vitriol spreaders

by Jeremy Hooper

WorldNetDaily's White House correspondent, Les Kinsolving, has determined that Barack Obama's views on gays and gay relationships constitutes "presidential pandering to deadly-disease spreaders." Kinsolving also wonders why the President doesn't include "exhibitionists, the incestuous, coprophiliacs, necrophiliacs, urophiliacs and zoophiliacs" in his Pride support. All those charms and more can be found at link:

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Pandering to deadly-disease spreaders [WorldNetDaily]

In a related story: An opinionated monkey just threw his feces at a wall, hoping that at least some of the noxious takeaways would absorb into the minds of the gathered crowd. But it's okay, because said monkey has placed himself on the "values vines" high atop all of the others -- so any and all of his "protect the sanctity of bananas" grunts or actions are excused as just standard parts of this jungle's primal discourse.

In a related, related story: Mr. Kinsolving will surely soon accuse my gay ass of wanting to schtoop the aforementioned monkey.

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