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Photo: Minnesota lawmakers should've read own wall's writing

by Jeremy Hooper

OutFront Minnesota just posted a number of evocative images taken on May 21, the day the state's legislature made the unfortunate choice to put marital discrimination onto the 2012 ballot. And while many of them have their own takeaways, it's really this one, taken at the state State Capitol, that tells you all you need to know about this forthcoming referendum and its (lack of) righteousness:

Screen Shot 2011-07-02 At 11.57.27 Am
(credit: Anna Min / MIN Enterprises)
Out Front Minnesota [Flickr]

Holding a majority vote on a minority population's civil rights will never be okay. It is the opposite of defending individual liberties; the opposite of justice.

We LGBT folk (and allies) have already been delayed and we continue to be denied. But we win in the end, no debate about that. Can Minnesota in 2012 be the change that finally puts us in the irreversible victory column? It can if enough locals will just read the writing on the wall.


*Oh, and let's not forget all of the unbelievable eye-opening stuff the state's chief anti-equality lobby group, the Minnesota Family Council, has said/written in order to delay and deny justice:

Minn. For Marriage's chief lobbyist: Gays 'live in conflict with how we are made' [G-A-Y]

Audio: Minnesota Family Council's Barb Anderson promotes
"ex-gay"and the general idea that gays are public health hazard

Minnesota Family Council researcher: 'GSAs affirm sexual disorders' [G-A-Y]

Now-yanked docs that liken gays to things like bestiality
and express outright hostility towards gay normalcy

Document roundup: Years of MFC lies, misreps,
and propaganda all geared towards "changing" gays

Yet another yanked MFC doc: Teaching gay tolerance = 'psychological tampering' [G-A-Y]

Researcher Barb Anderson vs. those who'd "normalize" homosexuality
rather than embrace her scientifically-rejected "ex-gay" viewpoints

Minnesota Family Council: Resist same-sex marriage like Lincoln resisted slavery [G-A-Y]

MFC President Tom Prichard likens same-sex marriage to the mortgage crisis [G-A-Y]

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