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Skeptoid sums up 'ex-gay' programs: 'They just don't work'
"There is no upside in changing from one person with one set of problems into a different person with a whole new set of problems; it usually just compounds all those problems together. Sexual orientation change efforts are no different. Recognizing their failure is neither pro-gay nor anti-gay, and it's neither pro-religion nor anti-religion. They simply don't work, and from the psychological data, they are both ill-advised and unnecessary."
- Brian Dunning of the Skeptoid science podcast (full transcript and audio)
Ill-advised and unnecessary, yes. Though profitable and politically advantageous, sadly. So while recognizing the failure of "ex-gay" programs might be value-neutral science, for a movement that's forever in search of "love the sinner, hate the sin" cover, so-called reparative therapy will remain a value-added view that underlies all else. At least until more of us start connecting the uber-present dots between "the sanctity of marriage" and the "sanctity of gay 'change'."