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Us: 'Hey, this person said this'; Maggie: 'STOP ATTACKING US!!!!'

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-07-18 At 9.23.01 AmSeriously -- is Maggie Gallagher even capable of engaging in political debate, circa 2011, without resorting to the intellectually disingenuous idea that her "side" is being attached? This from Politico:

The more that they attack Michele Bachmann on these grounds, the better her chances of winning the Iowa caucuses are,” said Maggie Gallagher, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, who said she’d admired Bachmann since 2004. “The Iowa base is extremely upset about same-sex marriage and I don’t think they’re going to look kindly on these attacks.
Gay rights groups target Bachmann [Politico]
(H/t: Back2Stonewall)

Everything's an attack with this one. Never mind that Maggie is the one who goes around state by state in hopes of either stopping or rolling back in-place equality. Never mind that she is someone who told me, personally, that she "hopes to change the constitution of Connecticut," after learning that I had legally married in the state. Never mind that Maggie' on record telling gay people that they "can always control their behavior" -- "behavior" she admitted she considers "unfortunate." Never mind that she once used her nationally syndicated column to suggest President Bush provide "ex-gay" therapy with more research dollars, or that in this same venue, she also admitted she considers homosexuality to be "at a minimum, a sexual dysfunction much as impotence or infertility" and "like infertility...a sexual disability preventing certain individuals from participating in the normal reproductive patterns of the human species." Never mind that Maggie's entire career, for the past near-decade, has been dedicated to making life just a little less equal (and therefore more difficult) for LGBT people. Since Maggie and NOM's concurrent mission has been to change reality into whatever they say it is, and the key strategy in that overarching game has been to frame the ones who are discriminating as the ones who are being stymied, she seizes every opportunity to paint the "mean, militant, radical" gays as the aggressors of any and every situation.

The only way equality activists would not be on the "attack," in Maggie's world, is if we stopped accurately noting the words that conservatives (including Maggie herself) willingly put on the record, stopped pushing back against the heterosexism/homo-hostile stewardship, and completely threw in the towel in this "culture war" that the far-right declared against us. But that's not going to happen, so she's going to keep making these wrongheaded claims against the good and decent people who are simply taking a principled step forward. It's up to us to resist these offensive attacks against our families, characters, and mission.

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