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Video: NY 1st day wedding protestor says gays less moral than animals
Seen on the streets of Manhattan on Sunday:
"animals have more morals"
*OTHER posts about Sunday's gay marriage protests:
The eye-opening photos from the day [G-A-Y]
NOM NYC rally sign: 'GAY = Got AIDS Yet?' [G-A-Y]
Why so much sympathetic "security"? [G-A-Y]
A discussion about the crowd makeup -- misinformed, exploited [G-A-Y]
Check out the name of the primary bus company they used [G-A-Y]
About that man who denied anti-gay animus [G-A-Y]
Very off-message Orthodox contingent [G-A-Y]
Maggie calls NY marriage 'mission critical; NY calls it 'mission accomplished' [G-A-Y]