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Well now it's a party: Sen. Diaz joins NOM's 7/24 event
It seems that NY Sen. Rev. Rubén Díaz is planning to attend the National Organization For Marriage's PR disaster in the making. And not only that: The lone Democrat dissenter has written a pitch letter for the event, in hopes to recruit some prominent Catholic company:
"Dear Archbishop Dolan and Bishop DiMarzio:In the great spirit of interfaith unity, I invite you to join me and my fellow ministers on Sunday, July 24th at 3PM at a March for Marriage that has been organized by the National Organization for Marriage to be held outside Governor Andrew Cuomo’s midtown office at 633 Third Avenue."
MORE: [New Civil Rights Movement]
So last time Diaz paired with NOM, we got a presiding pastor who said that "those who practice [homosexuality] are worthy to death"; another preacher claiming that "breaking traditional marriage" will bring 'judgement and wrath of God' just like Sodom & Gommorah; NY state Sen. Ruben Diaz' wife, Leslie Diaz, calling gays an "abomination" and basing all opposition to civil marriage on her own personal faith; a Puerto Rican speaker who said that local star Ricky Martin is opening the gates of hell; and much, much more. Can't wait to see what they do for an encore!
And remember: This is all happening on the very day that loving gay couples will begin marrying in New York City. So move over, rain, drunken uncles, and forgotten wedding rings -- there's a new wedding crasher in town!