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What TOMS ultimately rejected: An org. that says gayness is 'a particularly evil lie of Satan'
Focus on the Family continues to act like the victims in the TOMS shoe debacle. Because that's much easier than answering for incendiary claims like these, which are still very much part of the organization's main website:
"...homosexuality does more than fail. It's a particularly evil lie of Satan because he knows that it overthrows the very image of the Trinitarian God in creation, revealed in the union of male and female.
This is why this issue has become such a flashpoint. It will become even more contentious because nothing else challenges this image of the Triune God so profoundly and thoroughly as homosexuality. It's not what we were made for."
-Focus on the Family's Glenn Stanton, quips from the "marriage and relationship" section of FOTF's website.
(H/t: Change.org)
Are they simply putting themselves in Jesus' sandals? Well that's up to you and your chosen faith. But when it comes to putting themselves in TOMS? That particular company ultimately decided that pushing the idea that a large portion of the shoe-buying consumer base is kicking God in the eye is not what they were made for!
But you all go right ahead and keep saying this whole TOMS debacle is all because you "support traditional marriage," Focus staffers. When you do, I won't call you a liar or put you in bed with Satan. I will just continue to shake your own shoe tree -- the one you purchased, stocked, and continue to lace up -- and see what else falls out.
*EARLIER: What TOMS ultimately rejected: An org. that thinks homosexuality is as changeable as shoes [G-A-Y]
What TOMS ultimately rejected: Likening gay couples to 'infected wounds' [G-A-Y]