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What #TOMS ultimately rejected: An org. that thinks homosexuality is as changeable as shoes
In the official press release responding to the TOMS debacle, Focus on the Family framed the criticism against them as coming about "simply because we hold to biblical beliefs about marriage and family." In damage control Tweets, millennial outreach person Esther Fleece tried to discredit the criticism as "noise and nonsense" and to cultivate the general idea that Focus is the victim here. All Colorado Springs-based hands are on deck to make Focus on the Family seem like the victim of "intolerance," as you can see head Comm. guy Gary Schneeberger doing right here:
But yeah? Really? That's what Focus is going with on this one? They simply support "traditional marriage" and that's why we think they make an unfit partner for a do-good company like TOMS?
Well here, how about another Exhibit in our collection of evidence of animus. In this one, which is highlighted on Focus on the Family's website as instructive guidance for anyone facing homosexuality in his or her life, the organization presents "ex-gay" change as the only acceptable option for gays, because "homosexual behavior violates God's intentional design for gender and sexuality." They also present the scientific community's position on the the harms of "reparative therapy" and the acceptance of gay and lesbian sexual orientations as born not out of actual science but rather "political correctness." And they will do all of this by highlighting their own stable science that the religious right deliberately created for the sole purpose of pushing "ex-gay" therapy into the conversation, so as to justify their "love the sinner, hate the sin" stances.
This goes waaaaaay beyond marriage:
[SOURCE: FocusOnTheFamily.com]