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Yesterday: We came together to celebrate America; Today: Tony Perkins further divides us
And now this man will continue a career -- CAREER, as in job, as in for a paycheck -- largely built around the cruel slighting of LGBT families:
"If some federal judge or, ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court, overturns DOMA, then homosexual activists will have won their biggest-ever victory. There will be no stopping counterfeit "marriage," and the rest of their destructive agenda will invade every corner of the nation. This includes indoctrinating our kids and restricting our religious freedom if we dare to stand for traditional values."
-Family Research Council president Tony Perkins
A "destructive agenda" just waiting to "invade every corner of the nation"? Seriously, where are all of these armed, militant gay people who are itching to roll their tanks into the Nebraska farmland? Because I've met quite a few 'mos in my day, and nary an Armageddon-crazed America-ruiner have I encountered!
But again: This is the job Tony Perkins has designed for himself, saying and doing just about anything in order to rip LGBT people out of the American fabric. And he will only stop performing this job when a complacent GOP stops catering to his group, and a complicit mainstream media stops booking FRC officials (including but not limited to Perkins) as mere voices of conservativism
*Full FRC pitch letter:
*Note: Despite the 4/1 date, we this email just hit the G-A-Y today.