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Audio: Liberty Counsel likens us to counterfeit $$; now to get them to do same in front of a judge
This is the legal outlet that New York's chief anti-equality lobby (and major NOM ally) has recruited to argue against civil marriage equality in the state:
"If stacks of counterfeit money were introduced, the value of the dollar that each of us hold would be greatly reduced. In a similar manner, if same-sex marriages were legalized, it would reward homosexual behavior that is damaging to those who participate in it. It will devalue natural marriages that are foundational and critical to our society's future. It will also jeopardize the future of our nation by placing children in a permanent situation of homosexual relationships. This will put them at greater risk of developing unhealthy relationships and the higher chance of identifying as homosexual and the health risks associated with it."
*SOURCE: August 5 How Do Same-Sex Marriages Devalue True Marriage [Liberty Counsel]
Rejoice, folks. For our burden is to prove that animus is what underlies these anti-equality efforts. The New York anti-equality crowd's choice to embrace this kind of rhetoric has just shorthanded our process.