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Bachmann, Romney, Santorum sign anti-marriage license; would ruin wedding days with reign
Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Mitt Romney have signed a National Organization For Marriage pledge that essentially calls for government to deny loving same-sex couples in every possible way:
Bachmann, Romney and Santorum Sign NOM Marriage Pledge, Commit to Concrete Steps to Support Marriage [NOM]
Which is of course no surprise from the first two. When you call the "sexual dysfunction" of gayness "part of Satan, I think" or accuse your fellow state senators of acting like soldiers whose complacency led to the Pearl Harbor tragedy if they don't vote for your proposed marriage amendment, signing a piece of paper almost sounds like progress by comparison. When you're best known for portraying same-sex marriages as akin to man-on-dog sex, a marriage pledge sounds somewhat less "ruff!" rough. The Santorum and Bachmann sigs get a big "so what?"
But the Romney decision is a bit newsworthy, only because you never know how far to the right the political winds are gonna blow that particular kite. With this, it looks like he, a man who got to see benign equality firsthand while governor or Massachusetts, is forfeiting the chance for a moderate run, catering to the divisive politics of the past rather than the ever-growing support base of the future. Unfortunate, if not unexpected.
*UPDATE: Pawlenty has now joined the pledge as well.