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Focus on the [obvious pedo-linking agenda]

by Jeremy Hooper

How does Focus on the Family (not so) stealthy reinforce a belief within readers that homosexuality and pedophilia are just a hop, skip, and slippery slope from each other? Easy: They get staffer Karla Dial to write an article about a conference that has absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality or the modern LGBT rights movement, load the text and "related content" section with references to homosexuality, bring in the notoriously anti-gay Judith "GLSEN is a modern version of Hitler youth" Reisman from her post at the notoriously anti-gay Liberty Counsel, pointedly ask one interviewee about homosexuality in hopes of getting him to admit something, and then post the whole thing to the organization's Citizenlink "news" site. It ends up looking something like this:

Conference Speakers Lobby APA to Change Language on Pedophilia [Focus on the Family's Citizenlink]

They know exactly what they are doing. We must see to it that everyone else knows it as well!


*And now NOM, too:

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