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I'll ask: Why's NOM telling supporters to fear DADT repeal?

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage continues to prove that the agenda goes beyond the civil marriage debate on which the group purports to focus:

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Linking to the American Family Association's fringe, highly skewed One News Now for a story solely designed to build martyrs off of a repeal plan that the American public very much supports? Perhaps that's a good way for NOM to engage the sweepingly equality-hostile, "just enough" of a base that staffers seem to realize they'll need if they are to stick around for even a few more years. But considering this civil marriage fight, with its razor thin poll separation, has really come down to the movable, mushy middle and whether that crowd will hold on the biases of the past or see the peaceful light that's already shining from six states and the nation's capital, I'd argue that NOM challenges the right of a soldier to fight and possibly die for the country to which he or she pays taxes at its own organizational peril.

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