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LGBTs spread both wings (even if right wing continues to lag)

by Jeremy Hooper

We're everywhere! So reports the New York Times:

Screen Shot 2011-08-25 At 9.57.40 AmREHOBOTH BEACH, Del. — So much for San Francisco.

The list of top cities for same-sex couples as a portion of the population does not include that traditional gay mecca, according to new census data. In fact, the city, which ranked third in 1990 and 11th in 2000, plummeted to No. 28 in 2010. And West Hollywood, once No. 1, has dropped out of the top five.
Most surprising is how far same-sex couples have dispersed, moving from traditional enclaves and safe havens into farther-flung areas of the country.

KEEP READING: New Numbers, and Geography, for Gay Couples [NYT]

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