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NOM EXPOSED: MEMO: Circumventing campaign finance law for donor secrecy
NOM Exposed's Kevin Nix rounds up the National Organization For Marriage's curious state-by-state attempt to flout donor disclosure laws:
To: Interested Parties
From: Kevin Nix, Human Rights Campaign
Re: Circumventing campaign finance law for donor secrecy
Date: August 24, 2011
The nation’s leading anti-gay group, the National Organization for Marriage, opposes marriage and civil unions for gay and lesbian couples. Earlier this month, many of the leading Republican presidential candidates signed NOM’s pledge calling for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
NOM has filed a raft of lawsuits to shield its donors from public disclosure. But, as this memo outlines, courts and state election boards have consistently disagreed and rejected NOM’s challenges. Donor disclosure is uniformly required across the country for federal, state and local campaigns and is widely accepted as a vital means to ensure that elections are conducted transparently and fairly.
KEEP READING: MEMO: Circumventing campaign finance law for donor secrecy [NOM Exposed]