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NOM's push for special rights again shot down
NOM keeps fighting transparency, NOM keeps losing:
BOSTON –– A federal appeals court panel Thursday rejected an anti-gay marriage group’s bid to block its need for compliance with Rhode Island campaign disclosure laws.
The National Organization for Marriage had challenged Chief U.S. District Judge Mary M. Lisi’s refusal in October to grant a preliminary injunction that would have allowed the group to avoid disclosing money it spent to support various candidates, in accordance with state election laws. The group, which has launched similar lawsuits nationwide, had argued that Lisi erred when she denied the request.
Anti-gay marriage group loses appeal of R.I. court ruling [Providence Journal]
(H/t: J.M.G.)
The things we all know about NOM: The group is extremely Catholic, seemingly limitless in terms of funding, and rabidly against anyone finding the pipeline from whence said funding flows. A very curious set of dots that will not outrun connection. Not ultimately.