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Rails, NOM, off: Brian Brown says Buell investigation was 'fatwa', 'jihad'
This is how Brian Brown begins his latest weekly newsletter:
Dear Marriage Supporter,
Good news!
The fatwa against Jerry Buell—a Florida schoolteacher who was suspended by a public school for posting on his Facebook page that he was repulsed by gay marriage in New York—has just failed!
Here's a new Fox News video of the school board hearing, in which hundreds of people showed up to defend Jerry Buell's rights—even many who don't agree with his views!
Kudos to Liberty Counsel for defending Jerry in the extraordinary world gay-marriage advocates have sought to create: a world where children do not need a mom and dad, but instead need to be protected from adults who believe and speak for the great truths of Genesis.
Jerry won a battle, but the jihad continues.
NOM Weekly Newsletter [NOM Blog]
A public school's investigation into an employee who said gays were part of a "cesspool" that made him want to vomit -- and who, by even the Liberty Counsel's own admission, might have violated church/state separations in other areas -- constitutes a "fatwa" as part of an ongoing "jihad"? Really, Brian? Sure you wanna stop there? Sure you don't want to abuse a few more Islamic-centric fear words to even more fully scare your supporters here in the run-up to 9/11's tenth anniversary? Maybe some Sally Kern-like quips you care to exploit?
EARLIER: On gag reflexes, cesspools, and NOM's odd idea of 'victory' [G-A-Y]