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Right Knight says inclusive service will wreck military; Enlightened day to have final say
Longtime conservative Robert Knight on Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal:
"This is huge. This could have generational impact..And it can't stand. It will wreck our military. People of good conscience will have to leave the military and in fact many have already said they're going to."
[One News Now]
Well yeah, hopefully it'll have a generational impact. Multi-generational, in fact. That's sorta the point: To foster a world where banning LGBT service members will be seen as the ridiculous notion here, not the idea that certain worthy candidates have the ability to wreck a powerful military by virtue of their attractions.
And what's with these social conservatives' constant mischaracterizations of our fighting forces' wherewithal? I mean honestly: If repealing the flawed DADT policy is enough to wreck our military, then we have way more serious problems than just Sergeant Bob's sexuality. Why must Robert Knight portray our servicemembers as a weak, homo-hostile monolith whose grasp on sustainability is so tenuous, that the possibility of more recruits is threatening to the point of extinction? Isn't that the truly offensive idea in play?