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Sorry Christine, but no

by Jeremy Hooper

Convenient thing to say:

Screen Shot 2011-08-18 At 10.04.42 Pm[Christine] O'Donnell told FOX 5 that she has gone on the record about her position on gay marriage and that her position is the same as Barack Obama’s, Rudy Giuliani’s, Hillary Clinton’s and Michelle Bachmann’s.
Video of O'Donnell making the comment: [MyFoxDC]

But wait a minute -- Is Christine O'Donnell saying that she and Michele Bachmann are both against DOMA and for civil unions? Because Pres. Obama and Secy. Clinton are. Heck, even Giuliani is sometimes in favor of civil unions, depending on the year and his desired office. So unless Bachmann and O'Donnell -- both of whom have gone on record with a chain of anti-LGBT slights and who've been known to scoff if they so much as see a same-sex mirage -- are ready to make some big, then no, their positions are not identical to Obama or Clinton (or even Giuliani, really)!

That being said: It sure would be nice for the President and the Secretary (and even Rudy?) to help cut throughout these distinctions. Because yes, Christine's claim is certainly B.S. But then again: So is stopping short of full equality.


*UPDATE, 8/17: She just repeated this exact claim, verbatim, on "The Today Show." Time to call her out on it, MSM!

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