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The animus fueling NY's 'Let The People Vote' team: Gays seek to 'soothe troubled conscience', push 'sexual deviancy'

by Jeremy Hooper

And now let's listen in as Rev. Jason McGuire, president of New Yorker's Family Research Foundation (chief state anti-equality lobby and major NOM ally), tells us why we on the pro-equality side fight so hard for civil equality. This from the group's latest e-blast to members:

McguireNYFRF recognizes we live in a day where some are intent on overthrowing the traditional and authentic definition of the family to advance their personal agendas and soothe their troubled conscience. Gay "marriage" is not a move to grant marriage equality, but an effort to desensitize future generations toward homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviancy. Gay-rights activists seek a societal affirmation of the gay lifestyle.
Marriage: Still One Man One Woman [NYFRF]

Oh, our dear, sweet opposition: Forever convinced that we LGBT people live our lives in constant search for their approval. Folks like Jason, who dedicate huge portions of their days to keeping certain citizens down, need to feel this way, as it helps them "justify" their efforts. After all, if gays are out to "desensitize" the wee little ones into supporting "sexual deviancy," then those heading up the opposition movement can spin their noncompliant cause as "righteous." If gays are merely seeking some sort of agenda-laden advancement that is wholly undeserved, then groups like NYFRF can position their work as coming from a place of defense -- some sort of protective shield out to save society from gays; gays from themselves.

But the ruse is growing tired. With every new "I do" comes another flesh and blood story of real and tangible equality, the happy couple one state-level step closer to full fulfillment. Every grown LGBT child's benign step towards a fairer shake in life delivers a jolt of invigoration to every current LGBT kid's peaceful future. Each mark of progress in this equality fight brings all of us closer to a day when gay rights activists will need not seek anything resembling affirmation, as the desire to deny basic civil respect will be a lifestyle choice made by only a marginal few.

And in the meantime, what to make of the reliably hurtful words that continue to come forth from the increasingly lessened-optioned mouths of the "pro-family" far-right? Well, go back to all of the spinning wheels in the above paragraph and grease them. Because at this point, I'm fairly convinced that these folks are working towards our momentum, not their side's desired inertia/regression.

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