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The National Organization For Marriage is a religious group, as evidenced by this week's hymnal
I've already shown you how Brian Brown's weekly newsletter -- which last week, as you might remember, attempted to link gays to pedophilia -- this time refers to the investigation into Florida teacher Jerry Buell as a "fatwa" that's part of a larger "jihad." But honestly, that may not even be the biggest eye-opener in the NOM president's pitch. The large, more usable takeaway for those of us who engage in this civil rights conversation may be the way Brian is now coming right out and admitting that NOM is fighting against civil marriage on the primary (if not sole) basis of personal religious belief -- belief that pits some supposed "new gay morality" against "the One whom we know."
Here are some quips:
"Kudos to Liberty Counsel for defending Jerry in the extraordinary world gay-marriage advocates have sought to create: a world where children do not need a mom and dad, but instead need to be protected from adults who believe and speak for the great truths of Genesis."
"They'll be shocked and surprised at what good people of every race, creed and color can do when we come together on behalf of God's truth about marriage!"
"But you and I have always fought together under the banner of truth. Together, truth and love will prevail, as Maggie says. Not Truth without the love of God and our neighbor in our hearts. Nor a Love which is afraid to speak truth for fear of being labeled a bigot or a hater by those who wield scorn and hatred as a weapon to suppress the truth and those who speak it."
"They do not know us. They do not know the One whom we know."
"the new gay morality, backed by the government"
"The mask of tolerance has been cast aside. We are looking into the face of a movement which wants, in the name of equality, to take away your rights and the rights of millions of decent, loving, law-abiding Americans who 'cling'—yes, I'm not afraid to call it that!—to God, common sense, and the best of America's long traditions of respect for Judeo-Christian values."
"This is not an endorsement of any candidate for office, but it is an endorsement of the need for fearless leaders in all walks of life who will stand up for God's truth about marriage!"
MAGGIE: "moral truth exists, and our rights (including our right to marriage) are not gifts of government, but are grounded in and bounded by Nature and Nature's God."
"Thank you for your fellowship, for your courage, and for your willingness to act on that great Biblical principle: 'Be not afraid!'"
NOM Weekly Newsletter [NOM Blog]
Look, NOM has every right to reveal the Catholic impetus that has always driven the organization's work. Just like we have every right to make NOM own it when they try to take away our *C-I-V-I-L* rights at the 2012 polls.