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Video: Brian Brown tries talking points on a 'not convinced' Stossel

by Jeremy Hooper

At 4:56, the Fox audience literally laughs out loud:


If ever there was a time for Stossel to work his patented "Give Me a Break" line!

Oh, and one interesting thing about this otherwise mechanical appearance: At the end (around 5:20), Stossel and the libertarian columnist, David Harsanyi, make reference to man-on-horse claims, making those claims sound fringe. "Irrelevant to the argument," Harsanyi aptly says. But you know who *doesn't* find such claims irrelevant? The Family Research Council, who literally distributed an anti-gay-marriage brochure that begins with a horse photo and "man on horse" claim:

The Family Research Council's "Slippery Slope To Same-Sex Marriage" document, page 1: Screen Shot 2010-08-13 At 2.06.20 Pm [SOURCE]

The same Family Research Council that just toured across Iowa alongside NOM. The same Family Research Council whose upcoming Values Voters Summit touts NOM as a sponsor.

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