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'A Queer Thing Happened to NOM': Org keeps proving generalized animus, seemingly unconcerned that it'll destroy them

by Jeremy Hooper

Michael Brown is the far, far right personality who writes self-published books all about gays needing to "change" their "lifestyles," who marches through North Carolina's streets telling Pride participants that "God has a better way," and who has gone so far as to blame gay activists for teenage Larry King's tragic death. And tonight: He will be the star guest of one Jennifer Roback Morse, key employee of the National Organization For Marriage:


As I've said a bajillion times: For us, proving that this whole thing goes well beyond the "protect traditional marriage" shell game is the path to victory. Judge Walker's court proved that. In the past year, NOM -- whether because of its choice to outsource some of the work to groups like Opus Fidelis, out of awareness that moderate views are unsustainable, inability to micromanage the way they could when staff was smaller, or whatever the reason -- has become increasingly bad at keeping up the pragmatic mask that used to define its every move. Which is really quite dumb of them, since this is the same group that spearheads every single ballot initiative campaign, where denying generalized anti-gayness is always the key.

If we use this stuff that they are handing us on a silver platter, then we can put an end to this duplicitous game. There are not two different groups, one that gets to build ill feeling behind the scenes then neatly tuck away that sentiment and its most vocal practitioners when campaign season rolls around. We must be willing to unveil, counter, and ultimately shred the telling cards in NOM's overplayed hand.

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