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Chuck Colson: Oppose gays like they're 19th Century slave traders
Just a couple of weeks ago, convicted Watergate figure turned "pro-family" activist Chuck Colson (on right, with buddy Brian Brown) was actually speaking out against that Florida teacher who made the excessively nasty comments on his Facebook page, commanding Christians to be "especially mindful of our responsibility to remain civil." This week, he's comparing gays and the modern marriage equality movement to 19th Century slave traders:
COLSON: "So how do you control America today? You control it by shaping the ideas of the people and silencing the opposition. And we’re letting a small, unelected elite shape those ideas and define what is and what is not permissible to say.
Shame on us. Because we should be shaping ideas, proclaiming truth from our pulpits and from every platform we have — from the neighborhood cookout to the school board meeting.
Look at England in the early 19th century. The slave trade was legal and lucrative. The slave traders literally owned Parliament. They seemed invincible. But when the Wesley holiness movement got involved, when Wilberforce began to write and preach, they so infiltrated and shaped public opinion that Wilberforce himself could march into Parliament with nearly 400,000 signatures on a petition demanding the end to the slave trade.
Folks, only this kind of a popular movement can stop the gay-“marriage” crusade. Remember, the people with the real power are the people with the microphones in their hands.
And the only way we can break their power — the only way we can save the institution of marriage — is to wake up, reject the spiral of silence, and create and motivate a movement that will speak out."
Say 'No' to Silence: Building a movement for marriage [Breakpoint]
But Chuck, why not just make an "enemy's list" of all of the gays who are supposedly subverting this nation? After all, you are apparently quite good at crafting such lists.
Or Chuck, you could up the historical insensitivity even further, likening gays to Bull Conner and/or Nazis. But then again...
COLSON: "When I watched the violence on television, memories came back of earlier generations of thugs: Bull Conner, who, with the help of brutal cops, used violence and intimidation to chase African Americans out of the public square. Or roving gangs of Nazi brownshirts who ruled the streets of Germany during Hitler’s rise to power. Do opponents of Proposition 8 who attacked Mormons and their churches think they’re any better than Bull Conner, or nicer than Nazi thugs? I don’t." [SOURCE]
…you probably wouldn't want to repeat yourself.