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FRC on Galllup circa May of 2011: 'Venerable'; Gallup on FRC circa May of 2020: 'Lost marriage war'

by Jeremy Hooper

Usually when it comes to mainstream polling, the far-right uses words like "liberal" to discredit whichever firm is showing a portrait that runs afoul of a certain agenda. So I am thrilled to see that the Family Research Council considers Gallup polling, and particularly those polls conducted in May of this year, to be "venerable"


Why am I thrilled? Well, because while the poll they mention above is about how many gays Americans think are in the population, which FRC proceeds to use to discredit same-sec couples and their desire for peaceful coexistence, another Gallup poll that came out this May provides a much more pointed picture in terms of us, FRC, and the larger fight:

May 20, 2011: PRINCETON, NJ -- For the first time in Gallup's tracking of the issue, a majority of Americans (53%) believe same-sex marriage should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages.
For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage [Gallup]

If FRC viewed Gallup, circa May, to be a "venerable" outfit with trusted data, then they are also going to have to trust the venerable findings showing an America that is increasingly opposed to the Family Research Council's anti-equality agenda. They can't have it both ways.

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