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Gay scapegoating not the cash cow it once was

by Jeremy Hooper

Focus on the Family's Citizenlink, the political action arm from whence most of the organization's most pointedly anti-LGBT rhetoric comes these days, is in desperate of a cash influx:

CitizenLink this week sent an email to constituents pleading for $2.3 million in 30 days to avoid a budget shortfall. If the money is not raised, “our ability to act on your behalf will be severely, and perhaps irreparably, hurt,” wrote Tom Minnery, CitizenLink executive director.
Citizen Link sends plea for $2.3 million to stay afloat [The Gazette]
(h/t: J.M.G.)

So what's the message Citizenlink's turning to in order to drum up some dollars? Well here, look at an actual screenshot currently running on the site:

Screen Shot 2011-09-06 At 4.47.34 Am

Yup, that's right: They're again using gays, schools, and those sweetly inclusive fairy tales that they've forcibly misshelved into the horror genre. Because hey, if both it and you are broke, why fix it? Right?

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