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GOP primary candidates adore The Family Leader; here's a preview of what that could mean
The Agenda: Grinding America Down is an extremist documentary. It features everyone from Bryan Fischer to Janet (Folger) Porter launching a partisan attack against "the left," who the documentary describes as either "ignorant or evil." In fact, the film quite literally positions "the left" as an "enemy" deserving of revolt. Here's a clip:
So why mention this particular film now? Well, because in a week, the aggressively anti-LGBT "Family Leader" group will host a screening of this very same documentary:
And why should it matter to you, the electorate, what this particular "pro-family" group does and does not support? Well, because in just a couple of months, this very same Family Leader group will be co-hosting, alongside the equally anti-LGBT National Organization For Marriage and Focus on the Family, a presidential forum -- one that will feature most every GOP primary candidate:
Most of these same GOP candidates have already appeared at The Family Leader's presidential lecture series. The goal is win the important Iowa caucuses, natch. But at what cost?
Does it not concern you that the potential presidents within one of our nation's two major political parties is continual getting in bed with this kind of thing? Here we have a group that's doing everything it can to stir up divisive animus by positioning people who disagree with them politically as an "enemy." And rather than spark repudiation from people who wish to lead this nation, this kind of thing instead sparks "yes" RSVPs to this same group's events?!
What we are seeing in this GOP primary slate is a crew that wants to take this country so far-right that Bush/Cheney will look like Maddow/Olbermann by comparison. The time to care about this is now, when an ear to the ground might stop a regressive slide into a deeply divisive abyss.