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More on NOM's robocalling rabbi: 'Knows absolutely nothing' about supported candidate; connects gays to hurricane deaths
Not only is the man who the National Organization For Marriage recruited to record robocalls, Rabbi Wallerstein, on record saying that gays cause earthquakes, but he's also on record admitting that he knows absolutely nothing about the candidate for whom he's campaigning:
New York - A Brooklyn rabbi who confesses that he knows absolutely nothing about Bob Turner, put out an automated phone call paid for by the National Organization for Marriage endorsing the Republican candidate for the congressional seat vacated by Anthony Weiner to make a public statement against Democrat David Weprin, an Orthodox Jew who came out in support of gay marriage.
New York - Prominent Rabbi Makes Robo Calls For Turner [Vos Iz Neias?]
So why is Wallerstein involved if he doesn't know anything about the candidate? Oh, because gays not only cause earthquakes, but hurricane deaths:
Noted lecturer Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, founder and director of Ohr Naava, told VIN News that when the gay marriage bill was passed into law, he began to wonder if the time had come to leave the country, given a madras that states that there can be no shemira in a place where gay rights are legally sanctioned.
“I called my Rebbi, in Israel, Rabbi Gamliel Rabinovich, who told me to make a machaa, a public statement saying that I am completely against this. Now that this election is here, it is my chance to make my machaa against the gay marriage bill.”
Rabbi Wallerstein conjectured that perhaps it is that lack of shemira that caused the recent fatalities within the Jewish community during Hurricane Irene.
New York - Prominent Rabbi Makes Robo Calls For Turner [Vos Iz Neias?]
So go ahead, NOM: Celebrate if Turner prevails. Once again, you all have connected your organization to extremist views, something that will stick around one long after this media cycle plays itself out!
*HA! NOM has linked to this very same Vos Iz Nieas? piece, except they've snipped around everything I quoted above.