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NC's leading 'protect marriage' group: Homosexuality is 'unnatural', 'biologically destructive', caused by 'abuse or acquired taste', 'changeable'
As the North Carolina Family Policy Council (a Focus on the Family affiliate) begins its campaign to pass a marriage amendment at the 2012 polls, we will surely hear all kinds of carefully workshopped rhetoric about kids, school books, and how this is simply a campaign to "protect marriage." DON'T BUY ANY OF IT!
This is a snippet from the NCFPC's official policy paper titled "Why Not Same-sex 'Marriage'?":
[*SOURCE: North Carolina Family Policy Council]
*Save a copy, they're likely to pull it!
Charming, right? This is the kind of thing that just earned legislative approval. Oh, and among the sources the NCFPC writer (Daniel R. Heimbach, Ph.D.) cites to make these outlandish claims is the American College of Pediatricians, the ideologically-driven splinter organization that was created by the far-right with a purposely innocuous name, in order to confuse people into thinking it's nothing more than an equal counterpart to the credible American Academy of Pedatrics:
The very same American College of Pediatricians that NIH Director Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D smacked down after he discovered that they were twisting his work. This organization has zero credibility. Less than zero, in fact, considering how far they've taken their lies and how much they've been called out by actual scientists.
But hey, it's only a certain human population we're talking about here. Why not cruelly slight a rich and vibrant population sect with lies that deny them of their very nature? After all, as long as you say "pro-family;" "protect marriage;" "values voter;" and "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" enough, you'll pretty much get a pass here in "from the right, from the left"; "let's agree to disagree" America.
*And so it begins. This is NCFPC president Bill Brooks speaking to the AP:
Bill Brooks with the North Carolina Family Policy Council said he hoped the upcoming statewide debate would be cordial and questioned accusations that young people would be harmed because they don't plan to talk much about homosexuality. "We're going to talk about (traditional) marriage and the positive things that it does," Mr. Brooks said. [SOURCE: AP via WSJ]
He may not want total about anything else. But we do. And will.