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NOM confuses yellow billboard for pink slip, basic fairness for NY liability
I'm not the least bit surprised at the National Organization for Marriage's choice to run a billboard that seeks the ousting of pro-equality New York state senator Roy McDonald (R-Saratoga), since NOM has chosen the fruitless campaign to roll back Empire State marriages as its ID marker for 2011. However, I am surprised to see NOM rolling back said billboard's pop culture sensibility to sometime around 2004, when slogans like this "Apprentice"-invoking one might have seemed clever:
What, was "You are the weakest link -- goodbye!" too topical? "What'chu talkin' about, Willis?" too fresh? An "Old McDonald" reference too Top 40?
Not to mention, beyond just the dated dictum: No candidate has even announced an opposition campaign. So at this point, not only is McDonald not fired -- he's not even thinking about updating his resume yet! You'd think that if NOM wanted to spend its donors money on silly little roadside attractions, they'd at least pinpoint a path forward rather than merely positing this generalized need for regression.