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NOM EXPOSED: CASE CLOSED: Even NOM-supported candidate in NY says marriage not ‘determining’ factor

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage has sent out multiple press releases, Tweets, Facebook messages, and assorted other digital smoke signals claiming that marriage was the issue that lost David Weprin the NY-9 congressional race he was once favored to win. Not so, says the campaign that ultimately prevailed.

NOM Exposed's Kevin Nix reports:

6A00D8341C503453Ef0154349F168B970C-15The New York Times got the Turner campaign–the one NOM supported–on the record about the role of marriage equality in the race. The Times reports:

A Turner spokesman agreed that the [marriage] issue was not a determining factor.

“We worked hard not to make it an issue in the race,” the spokesman, William O’Reilly, said. “David Weprin’s position on gay marriage probably won him as many votes as it lost him, so in the end it was likely a push.”
*KEEP READING: CASE CLOSED: Even NOM-supported candidate in NY says marriage not ‘determining’ factor [NOM EXPOSED]

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