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NOM EXPOSED: What NOM Wanted to Happen in the GOP ‘Debate’ VS. What Actually Went Down

by Jeremy Hooper

Kevin Nix watched the Robert George (NOM cofounder) presidential forum so you didn't have to:

6A00D8341C503453Ef0154349F168B970C-8You may recall one of the Kennedy-Nixon presidential debates of 1960 – the one where people at home who listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon won. Those who watched it on TV pronounced Kennedy the winner. Voters walked away with vastly different interpretations of how the debate went down depending on if they listened to Nixon or watched him profusely and awkwardly sweat on national TV.

Something similar happened yesterday in South Carolina around the GOP presidential forum. The National Organization for Marriage put out a post-debate press release claiming “Marriage Takes Center Stage in Presidential Debate.” We must have been watching a different channel. Could have sworn the issue of marriage was off at stage right, even backstage. So too did the New York Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, and Politico – all outlets that either did not even mention marriage-related issues in their coverage of the event, or did so once in passing. (Yes, even the Washington Times.)

KEEP READING: What NOM Wanted to Happen in the GOP ‘Debate’ VS. What Actually Went Down [NOM EXPOSED]

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