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NOM EXPOSED: Yet another 'ex-gay' advocate joins NOM's ranks
"Courage" is a Catholic organization that pushes the "ex-gay" belief that people with "same-sex attractions" can be ministered out of homosexuality. A wholly scientifically-discredited belief, of course.
Damian Goddard is the Canadian sportscaster who was released from his role as a freelance contractor with Rogers Sportsnet earlier this year. Goddard and his willing allies on the conservative side of the fence have claimed the release was exclusively because of a Tweet the weekend sportsman made in opposition to same-sex marriage, but the network says it was for a number of "well documented reasons" which they said they would gladly share "during any proceeding initiated by Mr. Goddard." To date, Mr. Goddard has not initiated any such proceeding, despite his announced plans to do so.
But what Mr. Goddard has done: He's joined forces with the National Organization For Marriage's Maggie Gallagher, taking on a prominent role in that ridiculous new "Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance" that NOM is trying to self-victimize into existence:
A hiring that actually makes sense considering NOM's desire to make martyrs out of molehills. But why did I mention "ex-gay" thing at the beginning of this post? Oh, well -- because Mr. Goddard (a Catholic, like most of NOM's staff) is an avowed advocate for such programs, something he made known on Twitter amid the simultaneous suggestion that other Tweeters' gay-as-natural beliefs make homosexuality sound like Tourette's:
Yes, that's right: Once again we have a National Organization For Marriage employee revealing the true belief that underlies the marriage game. Just like Maggie Gallagher herself has called homosexuality an "unfortunate thing;" said it's "at a minimum, a sexual dysfunction much as impotence or infertility;" "like infertility...a sexual disability preventing certain individuals from participating in the normal reproductive patterns of the human species;" suggested gays "can always control their behavior;" and called on a President to give more research dollars to "ex-gay" research; we now know that her subordinate on this responsibility-shirking "defamation" group has an endgame that goes well beyond a couple's civil 'I dos." In Damian Goddard, NOM hired someone who defines "Courage" as the stifling of one's true sexual orientation.
Keep this in mind in the coming weeks when Goddard and Gallagher work to dupe America into believing that "protecting marriage" is all they have done to earn scrutiny. It's not "defamation" to call out life-stifling anti-science and the people who push it!!